Vendor Memberships


By affiliating with the Society of Communications Technology Consultants, Vendor Advisory Council (VAC) have the opportunity to engage with consultants in a variety of ways. The relationships this builds form the foundation for ongoing business activities. VAC members enjoy a number of networking and marketing benefits:

  • Meet leading consultants in the communications technology industry and establish relationships.

  • Identify mutual opportunities with consultants.

  • Attend SCTC conferences that emphasize information exchange and focused networking.

  • Have preferred opportunities to present case studies at conferences and consultant-oriented webinars.

  • Access the SCTC’s consultant directory, sorted by state, specialties, vertical markets, or zip code, for "rifle shot” marketing and information distribution.

  • Gain consultants’ "share of mind” for inclusion in their requests for proposals.

  • Be listed in the SCTC VAC directory where consultants often seek solutions for clients.

  • Obtain consultant feedback on new or enhanced products and services as part of their company’s market research.

Being an SCTC VAC member makes good business sense. SCTC consultants work with clients that spend hundred of millions of communications technology dollars annually! Having sound and interactive relationships with vendor independent consultants builds trust, and ultimately means improved chances for winning business. It means working with a knowledgeable contact who understands your company, your offerings, and how they meet their clients’ requirements. Being an active SCTC VAC member is the most cost effective way to get in front of some of the industry’s premier consultants.